Thursday, March 28, 2013


This is my point of view......

It has been repeated time and time again that the empty barrels make the most noise and for a fact it has over the years proven to be true. The "Big Mouths" always say more than they can do. The "Big Mouths" are always in wonderland....dreaming of a better place than creating it. 
It can be noted that some parts of the body are two and others are one. Others are hidden and others are visible. The ears, eyes, hands and legs for example are two: to hear clearly, to see clearly, to run and walk faster and work harder and faster. So our actions can be noticed. The brain is hidden so we deeply think through things very well before letting our actions out. 
The Mouth as usual is to make us talk less. But most people these days use their mouth more than the various parts of the body. I would not say using the mouth is not worth it. There have been a countless people who have used the mouth to shake the foundations of nations to cause changes in their environment and country. All I am saying is their life preached what they said than what they just said. And that is the Mark Of A Leader.


Monday, March 25, 2013


How long does it takes a man to climb to the top of mount Everest? 
What proportion of the world's population have climbed the highest mountain in the world? 
How many people have attempted and never finished by saying "its difficult and I'm tired". 
How many people have admired those who were able to climb the Everest and back?
Climbing is not an easy task. The higher you go, the greater the impact if you fall. The higher you go, the greater the excitement if you succeed. At the highest point makes one forget the pain of Climbing. The Success stays on ones mind for as long as he or she wants to.
So if the success of climbing to the top of the highest mountain can lasts on our minds for as long as we wants, what will be the lasting memories on our minds when we are able to climb to the highest point of the mountain of life- the mountain of self leadership. Conquering such a mountain always gives you the urge to conquer any mountain in life leaving lasting memories. Because the mountain of self leadership is the Mount Everest of life.


Friday, March 22, 2013

Sex is GREAT

On the 15th of March, the 4th Mini seminar for the YLMP year 2012/13 was held at the Accra High School. The topic discussed was "Sex Sense & Morality". Mr Edem Damanka from the Hud Group was the resource person to grace the occasion.
"Sex is great" were his opening words during the seminar. Sex being great was one of seven facts he brought out to be discussed. He noted that the first fact was; "Sex is really great", was to be enjoyed by man and that is the reason God created the act of sex. Followed by the greatness of sex was that "Sexual urge is natural". As human beings the feeling of having sex was naturally created in us and is therefore no crime wanting to engage in sex. These desires are a part of our body hormones and is natural. We as human beings are therefore to have sex sense, which is a holistic knowledge providing the wisdom to understand and manage sexual urge until the right time. From his point of view, sexual urge is the strongest drive in man which calls for sex sense as young leaders. Having sex before the right time is sexual immorality which is any form of sexual gratification outside God's plan which is marriage. Waiting till God's set time is not actually easy in this current state of the world. But with God's guidance we are not helpless in trying to wait for the right time.
Finally he noted that the sexually immorality has its own consequences.
So if Sex is great, how much Sex Sense do you have?

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


From my point of view, there are two kinds of people in this world. The created and the creators and obviously the followers and the leaders. Talking of the first two- created and creators- the former always enjoy the fruit of the latter. The latter always works for the growth of the former. Without the creator, the created does not exist and without the created the creator is not known. They are therefore dependent on each others survival. 

Cars were created by man and for man's existence. Without man, cars would never have been created and without cars man would not have been a creator. 
When one talks of leadership, the creators of the different kinds of leadership are mentioned. Leadership based on cruelty have their creators, leadership based on kindness have their creators. Every thing on this earth has a creator. Microsoft, Apple computers, humanitarianism, independence, mentorship just to mention a few were created and their creators can and always be identified anytime such a created idea is mentioned. These creations have enriched this wonderful world we live and have change the face of this earth tremendously. These creators are all leaders. This is manifested in Woodrow Wilson's quote “You are not here merely to make a living. You are here in order to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world, and you impoverish yourself if you forget the errand.” The world is a soil. You have the nutrients to enrich it.


Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Normally every person hardly identifies these two challenges. Most people always disbelieve who they are after discovering who they are. One thing they also  always forget is that what they truly are is the greatest asset they can ever have to accomplish great and memorable things.
True Leaders know the difference and thus use their true identity as their asset to make an impact the world and in the long run make themselves and those around them happy.
Ones identification of his or her true identity is the only key to true leadership.


Monday, March 4, 2013


“Keep your fears to yourself, but share your courage with others.” ― Robert Louis Stevenson.

Each and every person fears one thing or another. This fear prevents us from doing what we want to do. The difference between leaders and followers is that leaders hide their fears and followers exhibit their fears. Leaders exhibit their courage and follows hide their courage.
Courage is one of the fathers of Leadership. Courage teaches leadership to step forward and act for the right cause...Courage  to stand against oppositions..Courage to be different...Courage to say "No" when everyone says "Yes"...Courage to question the status quo. Courage to say "Lets do it this way instead of that way". 
Talk of Kwame Nkrumah, Nelson Mandela, and the wonderful change agents whose names will forever be on the lips of potential leaders, all kept their fears to themselves and shared their courage with others. Their  courage and exemplary lives differentiated between teachers and "teachers"...“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” ― William Arthur Ward