Junior mentors must be enrolled in university at the time of application and for the duration of the Programme (i.e. one academic year). Applicants must attend a tertiary institution in Accra or Kumasi as you will be required to meet with your mentees and Databank Foundation personnel on a regular basis. Unfortunately we are unable to accept applications from first year students - applicants must be in their second year or above.
Application Process
Applications for the 2013/2014 Programme are open! If you have mentored with us before and would like to do so again this year, simply let us know and we will consider your place based on your previous performance. New applicants should email us their CV and give two short responses to the following topics:
>> Essay one (compulsory, max 400 words)
What is your motivation behind wanting to join the programme?
Applicants must elaborate on why they would like to be a mentor and what they believe they possess that will make their time as a mentor successful. Applicants must address the aspects of the programme that prompted them to apply.
Choose one of the two options below.
>> Essay Two (max 250 words)
How would you project or emphasize your strengths and overcome your weakness?
Applicants should outline individual strengths and weakness and discuss how they have made the most out of these strengths and overcome/minimized their weaknesses.
>> Essay Question 3 (max 250 words)
What has been the driving force behind the major decisions you’ve made in your life so far?
Applicants can discuss what factors have influenced their individual actions and decisions as well as the effects those decisions have made.
Applications should be emailed to christiana.okyere@databankgroup.com and copied to eunice.bawah@datankgroup.com. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. All the best!
You can stay up to date with the Programme and catch up on our previous activities on our blog. Also check us out on Twitter and like us on Facebook. Please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions.