"The true measure of a man is not how he behaves in momemts of coMfort and convienience but how he stands at times of controversy and challenges"- Martin Luther King Jr.
The world has measured people, institution, clubs, countries and hailed them based on the above quote.
Talk of the amazing come backs in the history of the UEFA Champions league finals between Manchester United and Bayern Munich in 1999, the finals between Liverpool and A.C Milan in 2005.

Talk of personalities like Witney Houston who rose to fame during her early stages of her career, fell due to drugs and rose again before dieing; Prof. Evans Atta Mills losing presidential elections continuously twice and winning the third time, Prof. Allottey failing several times in the O' level examination only to rise to be the onlt africa to create a theory used when going to space.
Counries like Japan and China have fallen and rosen to surpass lots of potential countries after the effects of the WW 2.
How many times have you fallen?
How many times have you risen?
How many times do you expect to fall and rise?
Many have pursued courses and goals andafter the first fall or challenge, gave up and never returned to their target.
What will you do When you fall?