The seminar was led by

Ansaa-Adjei (better known to many as Madam), a lady with a special interest in seeing youth make the absolute most of their potential. She started off with an interactive demonstration, dividing mentees into three groups. Each mentee in group one was given four different pieces of coloured paper. They were asked to exchange these among themselves. Group two were asked to go around asking people their names, and to write them down. Group three were asked to write down where they would like to be in 10 years.
After this was done and everyone was settled back in their seats, representatives from each group explained what they had done to the rest of the group. Madam then explained the purpose of each exercise. For group one, the different colours represented different sexual partners. For group two, she illustrated how names written down showed how STIs can spread from person to person. Finally for group three, Madam asked various mentees to explain how contracting HIV/AIDS can prevent them from becoming the person they had described themselves as being in ten years.

After a lively start that engaged all present, it was time to get down to some serious business. From definitions to the social attitudes that allow sexually transmitted infections like HIV/AIDS to run rife, Madam gave an informative talk that addressed it all.
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