Afternoon all! It's been a while since I personally addressed you, and I'd like to take a minute or two to do that. To all of you who have followed the blog since we started, thanks for sticking with us. And to those of you who have recently joined, welcome!

The blog has gone through a number of changes since it was first created. The first - and probably the most significant - was the removal of the privacy settings to read the blog, which made it more accessible to everyone. More recently, I removed the settings that required you to be a member of the blog in order to leave a comment. These changes should (hopefully) make it easier to get around and should improve the exchange of ideas.
The content of the blog itself has been evolving since it's conception and will continue to do so. The tag cloud, 'We've been reading...' pages, and the Facebook group widget are all products of this. What I'd like to do now is to involve you in this process. Is there anything you would like so see that is not on here? This can include anything from applications to the contents of the posts themselves.
While it's impossible to guarantee that every suggestion will be implemented, I'd love to hear from you. Now the restrictions of commenting have been lifted, no excuses :)
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