Here's a great post from the ONE Blog by Nora Coghlan:
As New Yorkers cautiously take back control of the East 40s, and the NGO community struggles with a post-summit hangover, there is no doubt one question on everyone’s mind: Was it all worth it?
In the lead-up to the summit, ONE asked world leaders (PDF) to agree to a comprehensive road map to meet the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015 with accountable, measurable commitments from all partners. This included a focus on improving governance, spurring economic growth and increasing investments in programs that are delivering results.
So did we get it? The short answer is no. We have a new plan to tackle maternal and child health and an official “outcomes document” (PDF) that recommits leaders to meeting the MDGs, which has some great language on mutual accountability, national ownership and the role of trade and economic growth in development. But still we don’t have a broad, action-oriented framework that we can hold individual countries accountable to for the next five years.
The short answer is also a short-sighted one. It’s true that we don’t have a step-by-step game plan to take us to 2015, or a laundry list of grandiose pledges and new agreements coming out of the summit. But after 200-plus speeches (and three times that amount of side events), we do have some powerful signals of a shifting approach and a deepened commitment to development, that over time, could prove just as valuable for citizens in developing countries.
On that note, here are my top five takeaways from the U.N. MDG Summit:
1. There is a global plan to tackle maternal and child mortality.
The signature initiative of the summit — called the Global Strategy for Women’s and Children’s Health — is a comprehensive plan to save the lives of 16 million mothers, newborns and children by 2015. The strategy commits stakeholders to some critical policy objectives (like supporting country-led plans, fostering integration, building local capacity and monitoring for results) and includes $40 billion in funding.
While some details around the resources are outstanding (as Erin Hohlfelder points out), the diversity of partners who endorsed the plan and made pledges to support its goals is a clear and long-overdue signal that global leaders are ready to play their part in ending needless deaths of mothers and children.
2. The world’s biggest donor now has a development policy.
The excitement over the long-awaited results of the Obama Administration’s Presidential Study Directive is palpable in Washington, but there is no doubt that its impact on citizens in developing countries will be even stronger. A “modern architecture” for U.S. development efforts and new objectives like selectivity, sustainability and accountability will have direct implications on our relationships with developing countries and donor partners.
While the new U.S. Global Development Policy was in the works long before the U.N. summit, last week gave President Obama a platform to unveil his plan before developing countries, donors and the global community. Although the real test will be in the implementation (Larry Nowels points that out in this post), there is no doubt that this new U.S. policy will be “game-changing” for citizens in developing countries.