Thursday, September 16, 2010

Coming Soon: eBook Library

When we hit the 100 posts mark a couple days ago (yes 100, whoo!!), I began thinking of ways the blog could improve. After some thought, it occurred to me that I could introduce an 'eBook Library'. I'm open to suggestions, but here's how I think it should go. Anytime you come across an eBook you think might be helpful, just give me a shout and I'll put it up. I'll do the same whenever I find one. This doesn't necessarily have to be limited to just books per se, we could include fact sheets, dissertations... the whole nine yards. Over time, we should be able to build up quite a handy little 'library'. You'll be able to access the library under the eBook Library label up on the top of each page (along with About Us, Meet our Mentors, etc). I really hope it turns into something useful!

And speaking of the 100 post mark, I'd also like to take this time to say a huge thank you to all YLMP blog readers. Whether you're here for the first time (welcome!) or have been following for a while (welcome back!), your company means a lot. As usual, if you have any suggestions, comments or critiques, just let me know!


Aba T. Tetteh said...

Congratulations on the 100 posts!
An ebook library is an excellent idea.

Anonymous said...

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