Monday, November 1, 2010

Leadership Conference: Albert Ocran

Our leadership conference ended with the message we hope we have communicated from the start: Leadership. The topic was deftly handled by Albert Ocran of Combert Impressions and Legacy & Legacy. As I mentioned earlier, he talked on 7 Keys to Excellence based on the story of David - a great leader. The main message he wanted to put forward was for each person to learn that "I am the CEO of Me Inc", and we should carry ourselves as such. He used 1 Samuel 16:17 & 18 as his foundation. I'll briefly go over each key:

1. Reputational Equity
Your reputation will always go before you - and it can work either for or against you depending on how you choose to present yourself to the world. Remember, it is always much easier to be a leader once your followers respect you. That is half the battle.

2. Extraordinary Skill
Whatever you do, strive to do it well; strive for continuous improvement. Practice regularly, and avoid thinking you have 'made it'. You can always be better.

3. Courage and Tenacity
Build a strong character. No matter the situation, always persevere, never give up.

4. Track record
Your track record, like your reputation, will follow you everywhere. No matter who you are working for, whether you are getting recognition for it or not, give your best. Cultivate your gift in low places, and strive to learn, not earn. Keep a record of your achievements in one place for easy reference.

5. Eloquence
Being able to communicate effectively can take you places nothing else can. Strive to develop your written, verbal and presentation skills... anything that helps you get a message across. Start small and build up. Always remember to exercise prudence and discretion.

6. Appearance
Remember, you are your own CEO, ensure you look the part. This extends not only to your physical appearance (dress sense, posture, smell/fragrance) but to your online presence as well. Watch what you put out for the world to see, because you never know who's watching.

7. Divine Presence
Centre your life on Godly principles. Always stick to your principles, no matter what.

When talking about Key 7, Mr Ocran asked each of us to write down three words we think people would use to describe us. He asked us to follow up a year from now, which we will be doing shortly before our award ceremony at the end of the Programme. It will be interesting for us all to see the progress we will have made in this time.

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