Friday, February 18, 2011

Appraisal Form hand in date

Today is the second to last mentor-mentee session before the Appraisal Forms are due (see here for the schedule for this term). The hand in date for the Appraisal forms is the 23rd of March; the Wednesday after the last mentor-mentee session for the term.

Please ensure that you have filled out a Form for each of your mentees before this date. Remember that the Mentor Awards take into account whether the forms are handed in on time or not!

You only need to fill in sections one and two at this point; don't complete the interim performance tracking section or anything after that just yet. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me - leave a comment, send me an email, call me, text me, tweet me... whatever.


Jennie said...

Must admit that you are one of the coolest bloggers I ever saw.

Appraisal Forms

YLMP said...

That's a lovely thing to say, thanks Jennie!