Thursday, July 21, 2011

Mini Seminar: Career Development

Hi folks! Sorry this post has been rather a long time coming. On Friday the 15th of July, Felicia Ashley spoke to our mentees about Career Development. It being the last Mini Seminar of the term, we had some Form 1s join us in order for them to get a taste of what they'd be doing next year.

Felicia's objectives were to help mentees:
  • Get thinking a lot more about what they want in life.
  • Clarify your values as individuals
  • Begin a process of self exploration
  • Find the right resources that will assist in career development.

First of all, we discussed what career development is, and found that a career is not necessarily something that's constructed on a one-time basis, but through a series of decisions we make throughout our lives.

Felicia focused a lot on finding ways to answer the question "Who are you?". This is the starting point as a fulfilling career must be based and developed taking into account an individual's interests, likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses, values, abilities, etc. Knowing who you are and what you stand for might automatically lead you to certain career paths or away from others.

Most importantly, remember to seek out the purpose for which you were made. The One who created us knows us best, and it's important that we keep praying to be led in the right direction. God is the greatest counsellor. Speak to Him first.

Remember: the world is your oyster. Experience as much as you can now while you're young with (relatively) few responsibilities. Don't be picky - don't limit yourself to certain activities, try your hand at as much as you can. Sometimes, you won't know you enjoy something until you've tried. Keep your options open and have fun exploring them!

Check out pictures of this Mini Seminar on our Facebook page (and don't forget to like us if you haven't already)!

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