Friday, July 9, 2010

Mini Seminar: Career Development

Today, we had our last Mini Seminar for the 09/10 Programme. Albert Ankrah of Regent University and Hope Coalition International - a company he set up with his brother - lead the seminar. It was an exciting and interactive session that had all mentees involved at every stage.

The seminar was titled 'Fixing the Puzzle: Your career and you'. Mr Ankrah started off by asking various mentees what their parents did for a living. He followed by asking why they were in that profession, and whether they enjoyed it or not. He explained that although many people view finding the right career as a process that 'just happens' or that happens after some time in the workforce, it does not have to happen that way. Finding a career that is right for you is something we all have to take an active part in, and Mr Ankrah wanted to set each mentee on the path to finding theirs.

Mr Ankrah also stressed the importance of knowing oneself, and gave tips on how to discover 'hidden' talents. He ended with two - exercises the True Colour System, and the Successful Life Cycle. You can take the True Colour System (a tool designed to help you find a career suited to your personality traits) here.

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