Thursday, January 27, 2011

Great news for book lovers in Ghana!

I was linked to this post through a post on Accra Books and Things. It comes from Geosi Reads, a blog chartering the journey of a book addict. Apparently, is starting an eLibrary service (something I have attempted to do on this blog). It seems interesting, although the scheme itself doesn't start until tomorrow. Have a look:

Just after work yesterday, I passed by Akuafo Hall of residence only to see one of the biggest good news for any person who loves books. Right at the porters lodge of the hall, I picked up a small leaflet from the front desk.

The leaflets said:

‘Hurray!!! Students. Get unlimited access to over 500,000 books on Download on your laptop, pen drive, copy or print over 500,000 books spread across all subject disciplines; medicine, humanities, computers and IT, law Business, Agriculture, Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Literature, journals and articles, education, etc, used by other university students all over the world.’

In fact, I should say I could not hide my excitement about this news as I was much particular and keen about the books on literature. Surely, there lies my sole interest – Literature.

Below the leaflet were the steps to follow:

1. Buy your e-library scratch card for GH15 at your Ghanalibrary vendors at Porters Lodge(Hall Residence), On-the-Run, SRC Offices.

2. Visit

3. Register with your ID number and your e-library scratch card pin number, and enjoy the very best of 500,000 academic textbooks and literature spread across all subject disciplines.

After going through the steps, I was eager to purchase the e-library scratch card there and then. I consulted one of the men at the porter’s lodge and I was told that the cards would be in by Friday. I am hoping to get myself a copy when the cards are finally in. I see the whole project to be an interesting one since access to books would be much more easier and cheaper. I am only hoping that most of the contemporary books would be available to download.

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