" The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn". - Alvin Toffler
The world has evolved from informal means of education, to a mixture of the informal and formal means of education. A global world where information is at the tips of everyone's hands.
The questions therefore are: How many information have you accessed? How many information have you processed? How many information have you utilized to your benefit and that of your community and country at large?
The ability to learn has been given to every individual in the world be you a black person or white or caucasian.
I ask again: How well have you used your learning ability both formally and informally?
Prof. F. K Drah of the Political Science Department, University of Ghana said he will continue to learn even to the point of death.What about you; what are you doing to the point of your death; will you learn;
and what will you learn?
Leaders are the best learners in the world.
Finally....“Any fool can know. The point is to understand.” ― Albert Einstein
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